A sculpture, a work of art, designed for transforming a simple helical staircase in something more.
Etika, between the modern interior stairs, is an iron helical staircase, born from the desire to create a sinuous and sculptural architectural element. The idea was born from a daring mixture of new and antique knowledge: architecture, working metals, design and artisanship. This vortex of innovation and tradition finds itself in this helical form and in the choice of materials.

An exclusive architectural element, a call to go back to our origins, artisanship and tradition

L’idea nasce da un’audace mescolanza di saperi nuovi e antichi: l’architettura, la lavorazione dei metalli, il design e l’artigianato. Questo vortice di innovazione e tradizione si ritrova nella forma elicoidale e nelle scelte dei materiali

Transforming intuition into a functional object
Art and creativity have to follow precise architectural and functional parameters. The complexity of realising this is due to the characteristics of the metal: hard to work, strong and resistant once forged, versatile and fascinating in its essence.
Design is fundamental for developing new projects and idea and for elaborating creative proposals, which, thanks to graphic representation, take form and find possible means of execution. Starting with hand drawings is important for a successful experimental project, in which the flexure and stability of the different elements have to combine with the aesthetics of an unusual helical structure.

The uniqueness of Etika can be found in its idea, form and choice of materials
The choice of using poor but resistant metals has a strong metaphorical meaning, recalling the origins of the traditions and people of Val Camonica. The most delicate and most artistically expressive phrase of the production process is the final phase of the production and assembly, which consists of the choice of sought-after and fine finishing.

Look at our designs Etika
Discover our models:
Stairs for interior and exterior furniture that are born from the desire to innovate and amaze, creating unique and unrepeatable pieces, transforming desires and needs in design reality.